Braces Care


Hold your brush at a straight angle and use circular, vibrating motions.dr-zahrowski-tooth-brush Clean between your braces and gums by angling the brush down (upper jaw) and up (lower jaw) while using small circular motions. Use your same toothbrush from before braces were placed. We will direct you to a better toothbrush if the tooth cleaning is not acceptable during treatment. We assess tooth brushing at every appointment and will reinstruct you as treatment continues.

An interdental toothbrush makes brushing around wires and between teeth easier.They’re available at our office and most grocery stores. There is some evidence that automatic toothbrushes, such as Sonicare, may clean teeth better than a regular toothbrush during orthodontic treatment.



We recommend flossing once a day by pulling the floss under the archwire and gently moving it up and down the sides of both teeth. Floss threaders make flossing easier and faster. They’re available at our office and most grocery stores.


dr-zahrowski-candyIf it crunches or sticks it’s bad for your braces and can cause the brace to detach from your tooth. This will mean a longer treatment time.

If it has a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your teeth and can cause more cavities!

Some Foods to Avoid with Braces

    Whole Apples – slice first
    Whole Pears – slice first
    Corn on the cob – corn off the cob tastes just as great
    Carrots – cooked is better, raw is okay if sliced thin
    Beef jerky
    Ribs & Chicken Wings – cut the meat from the bone
    Hard bread rolls
    Hard taco shells – the Doritos Taco is a double avoid!
    Pizza crust
    Chips – if it ends in “O” it’s a no (Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Nachos…)
    Gum- soft sugarless is okay
    Nerds Rope
    Candy Canes
    Fruit roll-ups
    Gummy candies
    Tootsie Rolls
    Hard cookies – dip them in milk first
    Peanut brittle
    Sunflower seeds
    Hard cereal – Captain Crunch (if “Crunch” is in the name, don’t eat it)
    Pens and pencils
    Packages – scissors work better
    Soda – weakens teeth, causes more decay and permanent white spots